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Last updated: 10/9/2024

Event logger

The event logger extension is a ShareAspace Extension that can handle configured subscription profile actions for logging. The event logger will write these configured logging events to the Windows event log. It will also upload the logs to ShareAspace.


The installation of the ShareAspace EventLogger extension requires a server running a Web Server (IIS).

Installation steps

Run the installer

Run installer to install the ShareAspace EventLogger extension on a Web Server (IIS).


The EventLogger component also needs to have some values in the appsettings.json file configured. The configuration file can be found in the installation folder for the EventLogger (normally at C:\Program Files\Eurostep\ShareAspace\EventLogger).

  • SymmetricKey, that should be used when the component is added as an External Extension.
  • ServerAddress, the server address to the ShareAspace Host (if deployed internally); otherwise the base route to the ShareAspace REST API (Reverse Proxy).
  • UploadIntervalTime, the time interval in minutes for persisting the log files to ShareAspace.

The SymmetricKey key should be generated as described in the section Generate Symmetric Signing Keys.

Below is an example of the settings:

"NovaConfig": {
  "SymmetricKey": "5pD...A==",
  "ServerAddress": "",
  "UploadIntervalTime": "10"

The ShareAspace collection that will use the EventLogger component has to configure an Nova Extension before it can be used by that collection. The default application is /EventLogging.


The EventLogger component must be up and running during the registration process since a manifest exchange will take place between ShareAspace and the extension.

IIS settings

When installing the ShareAspace EventLogger, an Application Pool named "EventLogger" is created in IIS. By default the account running the Application Pool is the built-in account "LocalSystem".


If another account has to be used for running the "EventLogger" Application Pool, the account running the "EventLogger" Application Pool must have a read access to the EventLogger installation folder. It must also have read, write access to the following Windows Event log %SystemRoot%\System32\Winevt\Logs\Application.evtx.