Table of Contents
Last updated: 10/9/2024

Web application

The ShareAspace Web application framework comes with a set of modules. Many of these Modules are configurable. The out-of-the-box Space Templates make use of these modules in order to configure the application.

The configuration of modules determines the user interface presented to users according to their roles and participant. Typically, a user will see some but not all of the modules.



The compare module allows for the comparison of two SoftType instances.

Context object

The context object module works similar to the generic structure module. The difference is that the object passed to the module always stays "in context". This means that you will always have quick access to operate on the context object even when selecting other objects within the module.


The DataExchange Module is used to list Data Exchange Job instances, as well as scheduling new Jobs.

It is possible to configure a default query to be run when the Module is opened.

The deep link module allows for configuration of a uniqueness expression that can identify a specific SoftType instance within the space. The instance found will be presented as if the instance was sent to the generic object viewer module.


The extension module allows for the configuration of an external web module.


The files module handles unmanaged files within a space.

Events administration

The events administration module is used to administrate:

  • General subscription definitions.
  • Personal subscription definitions.
  • General subscriptions.
  • Personal subscriptions.


The generic module is used to list, edit, and create SoftTypes based on a configurable Base Type. I.e. by configuring it for a PLM base type like Part, the generic module will author all SoftTypes based on that base type.

Like most other modules the generic module provides many configuration possibilities.

It is possible to configure:

  • The Module tile title (the one displayed on the Space homepage).
  • The icon to use for the tile.
  • The categories of Queries to be used.
  • A default query to be executed when the Module is opened.
  • Which PLM base types (like Part) to use. Selecting one base type means that all SoftTypes based on that base type will be available in the Module.

Generic object viewer

The generic object viewer module is used to present SoftTypes based on the configured read view of a SoftType instance. The generic object viewer module can be opened by following a link to a SoftType instance.

Generic structure

The generic structure module is used for structure navigation and editing. It is possible to start this module from SoftType instances for which a SoftType definition has been configured to include structure functionality.

Maturity management

The maturity management module provides the functionality of querying for SoftTypes and checking their Maturity Statuses. It is possible to see the current state fulfilment as well as the fulfilment of the next available states.

From this module it is also possible to promote and demote SoftType instances.


The messages module provides the functionality of:

  • Querying for message threads.
  • Creating new message threads.
  • Writing messages within a message thread.
  • Editing message threads.

Model browser

The model browser is a module that allows for browsing of the data stored in a Space on a Unit of Information level. The model browser will present the data based as it is persisted within the Space store. The model browser shows the data without applying SoftType schemas. It only shows data that the user is entitled to see.


The participant module is used for managing participants within a space. From this module it is possible to:

  • Create new participants.
  • Define the access rights between participants.

Personal subscriptions

The personal subscriptions module allows users to activate personal subscriptions based on already defined personal subscription definitions. Users can also configure additional filtering on the subscriptions as well as copying existing subscription configurations.

Project information management

The project information management module will display the PLM Project used to describe the current Space. From this module it is possible to:

  • Edit the project information.
  • Set the project news.
  • Control the maturity of the project.

Query management

The query management module is used to show all available queries with in a Space. Using the module it is possible to reconfigure queries at runtime as well as defining new queries.

Runtime definitions

The runtime definitions module is used to look at the current Space's active configuration. This includes all configuration available in a Space template.

Share package

The share package module is used to manipulate Share Packages. It is possible to:

  • List share packages using share package defined queries.
  • Create new share packages.
  • View a single share package by selecting one in the query result.
  • Edit existing share packages.
  • Request sharing of a share package.
  • Share a package.

User management

The user management module will list users invited to a Space. Which users will be listed is based on the current user's access.

From the user management module it is also possible to invite additional users.

Work Item Management

The work item management module is used to list work items by using work item queries. It is also possible to:

  • Create new work items.
  • Edit existing work items.
  • Re assign work items.