Table of Contents
Last updated: 10/9/2024

Change log




  • The effectivity history display (available in read views) will now display date and time when presenting date time values. Before the change, only the date portion of the date time values would be displayed.
  • Column filter options have been removed from the full text search result grid since there is no underlying support for further filtering of the full text search results.
  • Improved user experience when managing query-statement groups in the advanced search configurator.
  • Reindex operations in the collection administration user interface is using the updated reindex APIs and is now polling for the index status. This in order to avoid timeout issues in the user interface.
  • Solved an issue that would make ShareAspace web unresponsive if an edit was made to a SoftType selected from the full text index query result.
  • Improved performance when having multiple tabs open in ShareAspace web.
  • Fixed an issue that could lead to the quick select control to stop working under certain conditions.
  • Fixed an issue in the files module where the selection and details presentation could get out of sync when refreshing the page or when quickly switching between root folders.
  • Multi line tile titles are no longer cropped.
  • Removing favorites no longer require page refresh for remove actions to be visualized.


Updated .NET version

ShareAspace components are now based on .NET 8.0.6 (SDK 8.0.302).

Updated third party dependencies

  • Full text search:
    • Elastic search dependency is updated to 8.12.1.
  • File preview extension:
    • LibreOffice is updated to 24.2.0.
    • 7zip dependency is removed and instead .NET ZipFile is used for compress/decompress.
    • PDFium is updated to 123.0.6295.
  • 3D-viewer:
    • Techsoft 3D HOOPS Communicator updated to 24.1.0.

Run optional filesystem check on startup

A new ShareAspace startup service (FileSystemCheck) has been added. The startup service reports all files in the managed and un-managed file stores that do not have an expected checksum.

The Filesystem check can be activated by adding "Eurostep.SAS.FileSystem.Internal.FileSystemCheck": "Debug" to the Logging section of the ShareAspace Host appsettings.json file. The check will run at ShareAspace startup.

While running, the FileSystem check will report found broken files to the ShareAspace log with category FileSystemCheck and messages with id BlobNotComplete or BlobChecksumDoesNotMatch.


  • Query definitions owned by a Space (accessible to all users within the space) can now only be altered via a space template. Previously it was possible to alter and create query definitions owned by the space at runtime. Personal query definitions and participant owned query definitions can still be managed at runtime.
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent a user (requestor) without sharing access to assign an approval request to a user within the same organization as the requesting user.
  • The importer no longer skips sub-attributes of uniqueness baring entries even if the sub-attributes are not part of the uniqueness expression. e.g. a classification reference on an identifier entry would be ignored before this fix.
  • The SoftType create API will now enforce the configured rules for SoftType references. Before the change the API would only validate against the core ShareAspace model.
  • The operation based patch API now supports removing end dates of effectivity controlled entries.
  • The SoftType exporter will now correctly include any referenced managed files and place those in relation to the resulting export file.
  • The file size limit for files to be supported by the preview functionality is increased to 100 MB (up from 20 MB).
  • The Collection administration APIs for reindex operations will now schedule the reindexing as a background work and the API will return as soon as the job is scheduled. Before this change the API request could timeout since the reindex operations could take a long time. Polling for index status is now required if one wants to know when the reindex operations are complete.
  • The liquid template language will now properly support arrays within SoftTypes, including arrays of references to other SoftTypes.
  • The liquid template language no longer defaults to reading the latest version for versionable objects. If a change event triggered because of a change to an earlier version - this earlier version is what will be parsed and read from in the liquid expression.
  • Improved system metadata support in the liquid template language. Before this change it would not be possible to read fileSize and checksum from SoftType entry configurations based on DigitalFile.
  • Fixed an issue with indexes not being updated correctly when a unit of information (UoI) was deleted. The symptom of the issue was the Unable to update the grid error message when the query result included the deleted UoI.
  • DataExchange jobs will now correctly handle the output file paths when completing the job.
  • It is now possible to define queries with AND statements for two or more statements against an indexed array value.
  • Sorting query results no longer provides different number of hits.
  • Query result no longer returns empty cells when entries are removed from an array that is indexed using the grouping feature.
  • Queries now return correct results when combining AND and OR statements with blank term values.
  • Restoring a single space checkpoint will now correctly handle the assignment of a license to the space, thus allowing the space to be used and updated after restore.

Tools and extensions

New nuget packages

The nuget packages for toolbox, mapping framework, and extension logging has been restructured and separated out in to different packages.


The nuget packages are not published publically. Instead they are provided with the ShareAspace release package.

Package Description
DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Extensions.1.8.2.x.nupkg Ease of use extension methods for DocumentFormat.OpenXml.
Eurostep.ModelFramework.Mapping.1.8.2.x.nupkg Package containing the mapping framework.
Eurostep.ModelFramework.Mapping.Testing.1.8.2.x.nupkg Package containing the test framework for building unit tests of mapping implementations.
Eurostep.ModelFramework.Toolbox.1.8.2.x.nupkg Package containing the ShareAspace toolbox components.
Eurostep.SAS.Logging.ShareAspace.1.8.2.x.nupkg Package for ShareAspace logging. Used for ShareAspace extensions. Will report logging information from extension back to ShareAspace.


  • The full text indexing extension now supports handling the deletion of PLM-objects containing files. Before this change the full text indexer could provide search results linking to removed data.
  • The 3D-viewer now use ShareAspace themed styling.
  • The 3D-viewer now supports arrays of geometry files on a SoftType.
  • The generic structure module now supports configurations of external actions.
  • Fixed an issue in the 3D-file-preview that would cause previews to get stuck in an "in progress" status if there was no license configured for the 3D viewer component at the time when the preview was initiated.
  • The WorkItemManagement module now supports external criteria for action configurations.
  • The WorkItemManagement module now supports configuring multi-actions for approval request functionality. Action configurations added:
    • multiReassign, multiReject, multiRejectReview, multiReassignReview
  • The DataExchange module now supports Global presentation ribbon action configurations. i.e. it is now possible to setup a configuration that allows for passing an object into a schedule DataExchange job form. e.g. passing in an object to be bound to the export object selection of an export job.
  • It is now possible to send multiple objects as "Open in"-target from an extension module.
  • The 3D viewer will now only load files that are of the supported types. Before the fix the the viewer attempted to load all files, even unsupported ones.
  • The 3D viewer now displays icons in the left hand side tree structure.




Features and usability improvements

  • A new expand button is introduced to the rich text control when used in a read view. Clicking the expand button will open a modal window displaying the rich text content.
  • Improved the key-press to action behavior of the quick select control.
  • Longer query names are now displayed using a character overflow logic.
  • General improvements on overflow handling when presenting string values in ShareAspace web.
  • Added file preview capability to the "Make decision" form for Approval requests.
  • Added a feature for copying the user input from a previous DataExchange Job instance and use that as input for the form for scheduling a new DataExchange job.
  • Added a configurable session timeout warning message. By default ShareAspace web will warn 10 minutes before a user's access token expires.
  • Updated user's role selection lists to be alphabetically sorted.

Configuration improvements

  • Global presentation configurations will now be picked up by configured extension modules.

Bug fixes

  • Improved presentation of date times.
    • Changing locale settings will now refresh ShareAspace web to instantly apply the new locale settings.
    • The offset calculation from UTC to display value has been corrected.
  • Fixed an issue in the ShareAspace web date picker control that could cause the time selection to be off by 4 hours.
  • Improved performance when listing space instances in the collection administration user interface.
  • Fixed an issue where configuring the structure module with queries would not correctly pick up configured query input parameters.
  • Fixed an issue that would prevent the menu ellipsis from showing when hovering over an attached file in the Approval request module.
  • Fixed an issue that would prevent double clicking on a version in the version history window.
  • Solved an issue that would limit the number of SoftType references that could be listed within a containment form.
    • The issue was found when using more than 10 applicability context references on a structure relationship. The UI would only display the first 10 references.


Migration support

Upgrading from ShareAspace 1.7 to ShareAspace 1.8 is now officially supported. Note that product packages like design to manufacturing are packaged with their own migration scripts that are specifically tailored for the package.

.NET 8

All Microsoft .NET based ShareAspace components are upgraded to use Microsoft .NET 8. All ShareAspace components are still self contained and comes packaged with the correct .NET version. The pre-requisites for components deployed on Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) are updated. See the documentation section.

Server 2022

Starting from ShareAspace 1.8.1, Microsoft Server 2022 is the required hosting environment for ShareAspace. Previously ShareAspace had a "Works with"-status for Microsoft Server 2022.

Deleting SoftType configurations

Starting from ShareAspace 1.8.1 it is now possible to have SoftType configurations removed via a template update. If a space is first created with a template containing SoftType A and SoftType B and the template is later updated to only include SoftType A - running a space update with the new template will have the SoftType B configuration removed from the space instance.

Note that the template must be cleaned from all references to the SoftTypes to be removed. This includes indexes, events, references from other SoftTypes, client configurations, and global presentation configurations.

Model updates

  • The model constructs for ManageResource.quantity prevented import and consolidation.
    • ManagedResourceQuantity has been removed.
    • ManagedResource.quantity : ManagedResourceQuantity [1..*] changed to ManagedResource.quantity : PropertyValueWithUnit [0..1].
    • ManagedResourceEvent.quantity: PropertyValueWithUnit [1] changed to ManagedResourceEvent.quantity: PropertyValueWithUnit [0..1].


  • Several fixes on reading the default presentation of a SoftType instance for cases when data is not accessible due to access restrictions and/or dated effectivity restrictions.
  • Fixed an issue in the index engine that could lead to users experiencing duplicated query results when an index was configured with grouping of an effectivity controlled value and the user updated that same value.
  • Configured file type restrictions are not longer case sensitive.
  • Fixed an issue where running many export jobs could leave files as pending upload in the unmanaged file vault.
  • Fixed an issue that would prevent updates to index term presentation to be applied when running a space update.
  • Removing a user's default role will no longer prevent the startup of a space.
  • The UserLogin event trigger will now trigger when a ShareAspace access token is issued to a user.
  • Solved an issue preventing the ManagedFileDelete event action to trigger.
  • Unintentional restriction on the file size when using the bulk upload API has been removed.
  • Solved an issue in the ForceDeleteEntry consolidation rule that would prevent the combination of ForceDeleteEntry and a role value for DigitalFile and ExternalFile.
  • Fixed an issue where the consolidator would close entries regardless of the role when the ForceOnlyOneEntry setting was used. The issue was that the consolidator did not consider that multiple rules with different roles could exist for same entry type.
    • ForceOnlyOneEntry will now only close entries having the same role (and specified role) unless the rule has the role set to @any.
  • Solved an issue where DataExchange jobs could get stuck with the status None. This could happen when the queueing of the job failed. The status will now be set to Failed instead. Any historical jobs with the status None will have their status changed to Failed during the startup of the ShareAspace Host.
  • Added new SoftTypeExceptions that will be thrown when trying to create data with circular references.
    • Unsupported operation. SoftType {0} instance with id {1} cannot be created with a circular reference to existing SoftType.
    • Unsupported operation. SoftType {0} instance with id {1} cannot be created with a circular reference to existing SoftType {2} instance with id {3}.

Tools and extensions

  • When using the liquid templating language to define messages on subscription definitions it is now possible to to access information about the space. This is achieved by adding the functions
    • - prints the id of the template used by the space.
    • - prints the version id of the template used by the space.
  • The liquid templating language is now supporting date formatting.
  • Correlation ids are now correctly forwarded from ShareAspace when making a call to an external extension.
  • Solved an issue in the ShareAspace Configuration tool that would prevent the generation of a SoftType toolbox.
  • Solved an issue in the ShareAspace Configuration tool that would prevent the generation of SoftType excel import templates.



Please refer to the ShareAspace 1.8 Release notes.