ShareAspace documentation
Welcome to the ShareAspace documentation.
Intended for
This documentation is intended for business analysts, solution architects, application developers, and system administrators working with ShareAspace Nova.
The documentation is divided into different sections. Each section starts with a short introduction stating for whom the text is intended. Many topics of the documentation are repeated but for each repetition the level of detail is increased. It is assumed that the reader is familiar with the higher level documentation when reading the detailed documentation.
Additional reading
Some sections also require the reader to be familiar with concepts and/or to have knowledge in areas not described within this documentation (i.e non ShareAspace specific knowledge). When this is the case it is noted in the introduction of that section.
ShareAspace release
The documentation is compiled for each release of ShareAspace Nova. Updates made to this documentation are tracked in the Change log.
Navigating the documentation
The documentation is divided into different sections. Each section has a link in
the top menu bar. When entering a section the articles within that section can
be found on the left hand side menu. Some sections include sub-sections. These are
found by expanding the nodes on the left hand side menu by clicking on the +
Some of these expandable sections also have content that is accessible when clicking the text
to the right of the +
sign. Each article has a table of contents (TOC) menu on the right
hand side. It is possible to click on the header links in that TOC.
The documentation is responsive, meaning that the documentation framework will scale based on the device it is displayed on. When reading the documentation from a phone or a tablet the navigation pattern changes slightly.
The documentation framework comes with a client side search functionality. To use the search start typing in the search box in the top right corner.
Online version
The online version of this documentation can be found at Starting from ShareAspace Nova 1.6 each major release will be made available online.
Currently 1.8 is available at:
The latest release will always be available at Previous releases will be available at their version number, like for 1.8.