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Last updated: 10/9/2024

Bootstrap Data Exchange

To be able to bootstrap DataExchange a bootstrap file needs to be configured. The configuration parameters for this bootstrap file are set in a json file format. There is a sample configuration file included in the install package of the DataExchange named tasks.json.

Configure Bootstrap File

To fill up this DataExchange bootstrap configuration json file you will need to collect several information first:

  • The address to the ShareAspace Host Node, normally
  • The task API signing key
  • The different binaries of the tasks to be installed

The SymmetricKey key should be generated as described in the section Generate Symmetric Signing Keys.

This file contains the following parameters:

  • baseAddress - is used to specify the hosting address of the ShareAspace Host.
  • apiKey - is the Task API signing key, must match the one in collection_bootstrap.json.
  • The tasks section is used to point to task binaries that should be installed on the collection.
    • path - states where the binary file can be found on disk, relative path is recommended but absolute path is also supported.
    • store - states the path within the Collection store where the binary files should be stored.


  "baseAddress": "",
  "apiKey": "PNPpeRwe7XBlegkq20vhinN5AGDeLwDx9qTOhH8O1OEH+kt2PMnv9TfrMtuDuYleO8FterYJRlMzV1Kzt8/LHA==",
  "tasks": [
      "files": [
          "path": ".\\ExcelToSoftTypes\\DocumentFormat.OpenXml.dll",
          "store": "/DX/Tasks/ExcelToSoftTypes/DocumentFormat.OpenXml.dll"

Bootstrap with Tool

If DataExchange has been installed, the bootstrap tool named Eurostep.DataExchange.Tools.Bootstrap.exe under the DataExchange installation folder is used to bootstrap the tasks included with DataExchange on to the collection.

This tool takes a mandatory parameter that is the tasks.json file.

The tool can be executed in a command prompt or in PowerShell but it has to be in administration mode.

Eurostep.DataExchange.Tools.Bootstrap.exe tasks.json

Bootstrap using Power Shell Script

If DataExchange has been installed, the bootstrap script named Eurostep.DataExchange.Tools.Bootstrap.ps1 under the DataExchange installation folder can be used to bootstrap the tasks included with DataExchange on to the collection, with a JSON file as parameter.

This script takes a mandatory parameter that is the tasks.json file. This tasks.json file should be an existing valid JSON file with all proper values set. If no parameter passed, it will ask the user to provide an existing JSON file.

Eurostep.DataExchange.Tools.Bootstrap.ps1 tasks.json