Table of Contents
Last updated: 10/9/2024

ShareAspace development tool


The ShareAspace development tool serves two main purposes.

  • To run an "offline" version of ShareAspace where the tool can load in ShareAspace data store backups and allow for script execution against said data stores.
  • To provide ShareAspace software development kits and help developers setting up project stubs for different types of ShareAspace based development projects.


Server environment


  • ShareAspace Nova Host Service (see pre-requisites).
  • ShareAspace development tool.


Unpack the ShareAspace development tool sas-devtool_<version>.zip, (e.g at a place where the sas-devtool.exe can be executed by the user account that will run the operations against the ShareAspace store.

Setup a system PATH variable for the folder where the tool was extracted (e.g C:\Program Files\Eurostep\ShareAspace\sas-devtool).

Development environment


  • ShareAspace development tool
  • (Optional/recommended) Microsoft Visual Studio Code.
    • Recommended Visual Studio Code plugins (when opening the ShareAspace dev tool project template - Visual Studio will automatically suggest these extensions)
      • editorconfig.editorconfig
      • denoland.vscode-deno
  • (Optional/recommended) Deno.
  • (Optional) ShareAspace Nova Host Service (see pre-requisites).


Unpack the ShareAspace development tool sas-devtool_<version>.zip, (e.g at a place where the sas-devtool.exe can be executed by the user account that will use the ShareAspace development tool.

Setup a system PATH variable for the folder where the tool was extracted (e.g C:\Program Files\Eurostep\ShareAspace\sas-devtool).

Command line interface


The ShareAspace development command line interface is self describing. Running the root application sas-devtool the following help information is displayed. From here it is possible to get further help by navigating the command line interface menu system.

PS > sas-devtool
Usage: sas-devtool <command> [options]
  -v, --version                  Output the version number
  -h, --help                     Output usage information
  generate [options] <input...>  Generates TypeScript types from a ShareAspace template
  build [options] <input...>     Bundles for production
  sas <command>                  Execute commands against ShareAspace.
  init <input...>                Initialize a new ShareAspace project from template.
  help <command>                 Displays help information for a command

Run 'sas-devtool help <command>' for more information on specific commands


sas-devtool <command> [options]


Option Description
-v, --version Output the version number.
-h, --help Output usage information.


Command Description
generate [options] <input...> Generates TypeScript types from a ShareAspace template.
build [options] <input...> Bundles for production.
sas <command> Execute commands against ShareAspace.
init <input...> Initialize a new ShareAspace project from template.
help <command> Displays help information for a command.

Run sas-devtool help <command> for more information on specific commands.


Generates TypeScript types from a ShareAspace space template.


sas-devtool generate [options] <template> <output path>


Option Description
-h, --help Display help for command.
--log-level <level> Sets the log level. "error", "warn", "info", "debug" or "trace". Default is "info".
--ignore-errors Tell the generator to ignore the errors found and try to generate output anyway.
--no-emit Run all the validation logic but don't emit any output.


Input Description
<template> The path to the ShareAspace space template file.
<output path> The path to were the TypeScript files should be generated.


Bundles for production.


sas-devtool build [options]


Option Description
--dist-dir <dir> Output directory to write to when unspecified by targets.
-h, --help Display help for command.
--log-level <level> Sets the log level. "error", "warn", "info", "debug" or "trace". Default is "info".


A group of commands executed against the ShareAspace Host.


sas-devtool sas <command>


Command Description
run [options] <input...> Run a JavaScript file in the ShareAspace script runtime.
config <command> Global configuration commands for sas-devtool.
list <command> List different types of ShareAspace resources.
create <command> Create commands for ShareAspace resources.
add <command> Add an existing resource to ShareAspace.
restore [options] <input...> Restore a ShareAspace system from a collection and space checkpoint.
help <command> Displays help information for a command.

sas run

Run a JavaScript file in the ShareAspace script runtime.


sas-devtool sas run [options] <space id> <script>


Option Description
-h, --help Display help for command.
--log-level <level> Sets the log level. "error", "warn", "info", "debug" or "trace". Default is "info".
--launch-debugger Launch the .NET debugger in the ShareAspace host just before script execution.
--system-path The path to the ShareAspace system store directory (override global config).
--host-path The path to the ShareAspace 'Eurostep.SAS.ServiceHost.exe' (override global config).


Input Description
<space id> The id of the space the script will be executed in.
<script> The path to the script file that should be executed.

sas config

To make it easier to use sas-devtool it is possible to set some global configuration options that will be used for all commands.


sas-devtool sas config <command>


Command Description
set <key> <value> Set the global config.
get <key> Get the global config.

sas config set

Set the global config <key> to <value>.


sas-devtool sas config set <key> <value>


Key Description
system-path The path to the ShareAspace system store directory.
host-path The path to the ShareAspace 'Eurostep.SAS.ServiceHost.exe'.

sas config get

Get the global config <key>.


sas-devtool sas config get <key>


Key Description
system-path The path to the ShareAspace system store directory.
host-path The path to the ShareAspace 'Eurostep.SAS.ServiceHost.exe'.

sas list

List different type of ShareAspace resources.


sas-devtool sas list <command>


Command Description
spaces [options] List all ShareAspace spaces available.

sas list spaces

List all ShareAspace spaces available.


sas-devtool sas list spaces

sas create

Create commands for ShareAspace.


sas-devtool sas create <command>


Command Description
system [options] <input...> Creates a new ShareAspace system store.

sas create system

Create a new ShareAspace system store. If the create is successful the system store path is stored in the global configuration and is used for other commands.


sas-devtool sas create system <input...>


Option Description
-h, --help Display help for command.
--log-level <level> Sets the log level. "error", "warn", "info", "debug" or "trace". Default is "info".
--host-path The path to the ShareAspace 'Eurostep.SAS.ServiceHost.exe' (override global config).


Input Description
<system path> The path to were the ShareAspace system store should be located (the directory must be empty).
<base storage path> The base directory were all other storage should be located (if you plan on adding existing storages they should be located in this directory).
<base file vault path> The base directory were all file vault sub directories will be located.

sas add

Adds something to an existing ShareAspace system.


sas-devtool sas add <command>


Command Description
collection [options] <input...> Adds a ShareAspace collection storage to a ShareAspace system storage.
space [options] <input...> Adds a ShareAspace space storage to a ShareAspace system store.

sas add collection

Adds a ShareAspace collection storage to a ShareAspace system storage.


sas-devtool sas add collection <input...>


Option Description
-h, --help Display help for command.
--log-level <level> Sets the log level. "error", "warn", "info", "debug" or "trace". Default is "info".
--system-path The path to the ShareAspace system store directory (override global config).
--host-path The path to the ShareAspace 'Eurostep.SAS.ServiceHost.exe' (override global config).


Input Description
<storage path> The path to the ShareAspace collection storage directory.
<file valut path> The path to the ShareAspace collection file value directory.

sas add space

Adds a ShareAspace space storage to a ShareAspace system store.


sas-devtool sas add space <input...>


Option Description
-h, --help Display help for command.
--log-level <level> Sets the log level. "error", "warn", "info", "debug" or "trace". Default is "info".
--system-path The path to the ShareAspace system store directory (override global config).
--host-path The path to the ShareAspace 'Eurostep.SAS.ServiceHost.exe' (override global config).


Input Description
<space id> The id of the space to be added.
<storage path> The path to the ShareAspace collection storage directory.
<file valut path> The path to the ShareAspace collection file value directory.

sas restore

Restore a ShareAspace system from a collection and space checkpoint.


sas-devtool sas restore <input...>


Option Description
-h, --help Display help for command.
--log-level <level> Sets the log level. "error", "warn", "info", "debug" or "trace". Default is "info".
--host-path The path to the ShareAspace 'Eurostep.SAS.ServiceHost.exe' (override global config).


Input Description
<base storage path> The base directory were all other storage should be located (if you plan on adding existing storages they should be located in this directory).
<base file vault path> The base directory were all file vault sub directories will be located.
<checkpoint id> The id of the checkpoint to restore.
<checkpoint zip file> The ZIP file containing the collection and space to restore.


Initialize a ShareAspace project from the template <template> into the empty directory in <path>.


sas-devtool init <template> <path>


Input Description
<template> The name of the project template.
<path> The path were the project should be initialized (it must be an empty directory).


Template Description
offline-export TypeScript project template to run in the ShareAspace offline script mode, e.g. for exporting data or doing analysis.

ShareAspace Core API - 0.1.0


Get a SoftType instance from ShareAspace.

function get<T extends SoftTypeBase>(oid: ObjectId): T | undefined
Parameter Type Description
oid ObjectId The ObjectId of the SoftType that is fetched from ShareAspace.

Returns SoftTypeBase.


Get all SoftType instances for a given SoftType id.

function getAll<T extends SoftTypeBase>(softTypeId: string): T[]
Parameter Type Description
softTypeId string The id of the SoftType for which all instances should be requested.

Returns SoftTypeBase[].


Get the default presentation for the give SoftType instance.

function getDefaultPresentation(data: SoftTypeBase, languageCode?: string): string | undefined
Parameter Type Description
data SoftTypeBase The SoftType instance to get default presentation for.
languageCode string Optional language code if not given 'en' is used.

Returns SoftTypeBase[].


ShareAspace database id.

type ObjectId = string


Base type for all generated SoftType type definitions.

type SoftTypeBase = {
  $oid: ObjectId
  $softType: string
Property Type Description
$oid ObjectId Database id of the SoftType instance.
$softType string Id of the SOftType definition that the SoftType instance is tagged as.


Query execution setting parameters.

type type QueryParams = {
  queryId: string,
  arguments?: Record<string, string | number | boolean | Date>,
  latestVersion?: boolean,
  orderTerm?: string,
  orderDescending?: boolean,
  page?: number
  pageSize?: number
Property Type Description
queryId string Id of query to execute.
arguments Record<string, string | number | boolean | Date> (Optional) Query input parameters for queries that has a query expression with blank value fields.
latestVersion boolean (Optional) If set to true, when querying for MVD-objects, only the "latest version" MVD-objects will be returned. By default the "latest version" is the last version in the version chain - however, this can be overridden by the latest version filter.
orderTerm string (Optional) Index term id that the result should be ordered by.
page number (Optional) Result page to return, defaults to page 0.
pageSize number (Optional) The size of the returned pages, defaults to 10.


Base type for all generated Query return type definitions. Each QueryBase represents an indexed SoftType instance.

type QueryBase = {
  oid: ObjectId
Property Type Description
oid ObjectId Database id of indexed SoftType instance.


Function for executing a query against a database.

function query<T extends QueryBase>(arg: QueryParams): T[]
Parameter Type Description
arg QueryParams Query execution setting parameters.

Returns QueryBase[].


Not documented - see the type script definition for more details. types/sas/core@0.1.0/mod.ts


Gets a SoftType definition configuration from the space configuration.

function getSoftTypeDefinition(softTypeId: string): SoftTypeDefinition
Property Type Description
softTypeId string Id of the SoftType definition to get configuration settings for.

Returns SoftTypeDefinition[].

ShareAspace IO API - 0.1.0

import { createCSVWriter, CSVWriterOptions, CSVWriter } from ""
Export Kind
CSVWriter type
CSVWriterOptions type
createCSVWriter function


Writes rows to a CSV file and manages the closing of the writer stream.

type CSVWriter = {
  write: (...args: any[]) => void
  close: () => void
Method Input Returns Description
write any[] Writes a new row to the CSV file, the first input value will be put in the first column, the second input value in the second column and so on.
close Closes the CSV write stream.


Settings used when requesting a CSVWriter.

type CSVWriterOptions = {
  file: string
  headers: string[]
  delimiter: string
  overwrite: boolean
Property Description
file The full name of the output CSV file. If only a name is given the file will be output in the current working directory. If a file already exist output.csv a new file will be created called output (1).csv. If output (1).csv exist, output (2).csv will be created and so on.
headers A string array of the CSV column headers.
delimiter The delimiter character to be used for the CSV file. defaults to ,.
owerwrite If set to true the report will overwrite any existing file found at file.


Function for requesting a new instance of a CSVWriter.

function createCSVWriter(options: CSVWriterOptions): CSVWriter
Parameter Type Description
options CSVWriterOptions Settings for the CSVWriter.

Returns CSVWriter.