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Last updated: 2025-02-24

Index Rebuilder

When a ShareAspace Host Node is installed, a folder called Scripts under the Host folder is created. That folder contains a script named Eurostep.SAS.Tools.IndexRebuilder.ps1. This script can be used to rebuild indexes within a space.

The service host must be running when executing this script.

The script takes four mandatory parameters:

  • baseAddress is the first parameter, it is a mandatory parameter. The baseAddress must be as It is the address of the ShareAspace Host Node.
  • spaceId is the second parameter, it is a mandatory parameter. The spaceId is the id of the space.
  • itemIndex is the third parameter, it is a mandatory parameter. The itemIndex is the index of the space that is to be rebuilt.
  • apiKey Fourth parameter is apiKey. It is a mandatory parameter. The apiKey can be found from bootstrap_collection.json. It is the Administrator API signing Key.

The SymmetricKey key should be generated as described in the section Generate Symmetric Signing Keys.

If no parameter provided the script will ask the user to enter mandatory parameters. The script will display both success and failure results.

Eurostep.SAS.Tools.IndexRebuilder.ps1 -baseAddress -spaceId Project1 -itemIndex WorkItemIndex -apiKey mDkbE5471+4m/3EpdwkbVLphmFyDYk4tCqKC77+bGEiWMzZW8DUomBpzUMK/UtSf9m5xTWarJTWgvBhJYi/jkQ==

The execution above will re-index the index WorkItemIndex in the space Project1 provided that the apiKey is correct and the baseAddress is ok.