Table of Contents
Last updated: 10/9/2024

Hardware prerequisites

The hardware setup for a ShareAspace installation depends on many factors:

  • The number of Unit Of Information the installation can handle
  • The number of simultaneous users the installation can handle
  • The number of servers that will be used for the installation

The following figures are provided to help with the sizing of a ShareAspace environment. As we collect experience we will add figures to the list below.

Machine types

The machine we are referring and recommending are the following.

Machine Ref. Machine Size vCPU Memory (GB) Storage SSD (GB) Throughput IOPS*
M1 Small 4 28 200 16x500
M2 Medium 8 56 400 32x500
M3 Large 16 112 800 64x500

*: IOPS definition

For corresponding specifications of Microsoft Azure machine types, follow this link. The "Memory Optimized" series is recommended for the ShareAspace Host for instance.

Single machine setup

For a single machine setup the required hardware setup is:

Number of UoI Number of Users for the installation Recommended Machine Size Machine Ref.
100 000 up to 80 Small M1
500 000 up to 80 Medium M2
1 000 000 up to 80 Medium or Large M2 or M3
2 000 000 up to 80 Large M3
5 000 000 1 Large M3
10 000 000 1 Large M3

The number of users described above is the number of concurrent users actively using the system at the exact same time. This can be compared to a constant load of 80 concurrent requests. ShareAspace does not have any restriction on the number of registered users within the system (other than the UoI limits for an installation).