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Last updated: 10/9/2024

One time access token

When having a web browser performing a file download, using the ShareAspace file REST API, an access token is used as a query parameter (see file download).

While it is supported to use the full access token in this scenario it is not recommended to do so. Instead, a "one time use" (valid for 3 seconds) and scoped access token can be requested.


When writing a client that can pass the access token in an Authorization header when doing a file download it is not as important to use the one time tokens (since the token is not passed as a query parameter). The typical scenario for the one time token is when handing over a link to a ShareAspace secured file for a web browser to render.

Get one time token space route

GET api/space/{spaceId}/oneTimeToken
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer eyQWE...

    "route": "/space/space1/independentFile/0900000000000000120113000000"

Response example

    "href": "",
    "data": {
        "token": "eyJh...Fh_2w"

Decoded header of onetime token

  "alg": "HS512",
  "typ": "JWT"

Decoded data example for space route

  "email": "",
  "route": "/space/space1/independentFile/0900000000000000120113000000",
  "method": "get",
  "nbf": 1588855405,
  "exp": 1588855705,
  "iat": 1588855405,
  "iss": "",
  "aud": "sasweb"

Get one time token collection route

GET api/collection/oneTimeToken
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer eyQWE...

    "route": "/collection/fs/file/Client/Web/TileIcons/state.svg"

Routes supporting one time token

Collection routes are secured by OneTimeToken

route Method
"fs/file/zip" POST
"download/fs/dir/{*path}" GET
"fs/file/{*path}" GET
"fs/filecontent/{*path}" GET
"fs/file/preview/content/{*path}" GET

Space routes are secured by OneTimeToken

route Method
"/eventlogFile/download" GET
"/independentFile/{objectId}" GET
"/independentFile/filecontent/{objectId}" GET
"/messageThread/{messageThreadObjectId}/{path}" GET
"/participant/{participantId}/fs/file/zip" Post
"/participant/{participantId}/download/fs/dir/{*path}" GET
"/participant/{participantId}/fs/file/{*path}" GET
"/participant/{participantId}/fs/filecontent/{*path}" GET
"/fs/file/zip" POST
"download/fs/dir/{*path}" GET
"fs/file/{*path}" GET
"fs/filecontent/{*path}" GET
"fs/file/zip" POST
"download/fs/dir/{*path}" GET
"/user/fs/file/{*path}" GET
"/user/fs/filecontent/{*path}" GET
"fs/file/preview/content/{*path}" GET
"/independentFile"preview/content/{*location}" GET
"/participant"{participantId}/fs/file/preview/content/{*path}" GET
"/user"fs/file/preview/content/{*path}" GET